by @theplantpapi

Who is the plant papi?

Kevin Cliff is a therapist and digital creator who focuses his work on self care, mental wellness, family, and his love of plants. In 2020, he created his instagram page @theplantpapi to find other plant lovers like himself. After not finding exactly what he was looking for… He created the content he wanted to see.

Originally my goal in making the page was simply to find other plant lovers that looked like me and to find ways to keep my plants alive. As my page grew larger, I noticed more comments about people saying “I don’t see a lot of men into plants” or the classic “Bro, I feel seen when I see your posts.” I slowly became what I was looking for… And this is what inspired me to start posting more regularly and to start incorporating my other interests like sneakers, anime, mental health, and family.

Now my goal is to continue spreading my joy of plants and wellness to all those willing to receive it…. in hope that they may also be able to find joy in being themselves unapologetically.

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